Take the next step in your development

Take your riding and horse knowledge to the next level!

In Ridesum you will find inspirational videos for free with the Olympic dressage rider Isabell Werth, dressage rider Johanna DueBoje, Swedish dressage chef d’equipe Bo Jenå and more.

Long line with Bo Jena!

May 18th, 2020|

We are very proud of our collaboration with the Swedish Dressage Chef d’Equipe Bo Jenå - during 2020 he is going to show us [...]

Ridesum in English!

May 14th, 2020|

Ridesum is available in English! We are excited to finally announce that Ridesum is available in English!  Thanks to all of you for [...]

How much do you know about hooves and horseshoes?

We all know that well-kept hooves are important for our beloved horses to feel their best. But how much do you really know?

Test your knowledge in our quiz –>

Unlock your full potential with
