Take the next step in your development
Long line with Bo Jena!
We are very proud of our collaboration with the Swedish Dressage Chef d’Equipe Bo Jenå - during 2020 he is going to show us [...]
Ridesum in English!
Ridesum is available in English! We are excited to finally announce that Ridesum is available in English! Thanks to all of you for [...]
Lisen Bratt Fredricson: “Ridesum enables more people to train and develop”
"Ridesum enables more people to train and develop" We are very happy and proud that Lisen Bratt Fredricson comes in [...]

How much do you know about hooves and horseshoes?
We all know that well-kept hooves are important for our beloved horses to feel their best. But how much do you really know?