What is Ridesum?

By Equestrians,
for Equestrians
Ridesum is your all-in-one equestrian companion! We offer you the ultimate app – designed by equestrians, for equestrians. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, Ridesum offers a range of innovative features to enhance your training, track your progress, and achieve your goals.
Let us take your riding journey to the next level!

Pether Markne uses Ridesum for coaching students
Pether Markne uses Ridesum for coaching students “For me, Ridesum saves a lot of time, flights and it becomes cheaper for the [...]
Less travel is the main benefit for me!
Jan-Ove Olsson, has trained both riders and horses for more than 40 years. Jan-Ove is Breed Judge in Conformation A -certification and Dressage Trainer [...]
Ridesum around the world
You can actually find Ridesums users in more than 100 countries! It is amazing to see how trainers and riders are collaborating worldwide via Ridesum. We want to help the equestrian community accelerating growth!